Get Involved:
You have many opportunities to help. Our troop supports every child's journey to becoming a strong adult, leader, and valuable society member.
Take Action:
Your involvement is crucial. As your scout's biggest fan, you must plan to support their growth.
Earn Recognition:
Our scouts earn awards and rank advancements through hard work and achievement, not just attendance.
Build Self-Esteem:
By accomplishing good work, our young scouts develop a strong sense of self-worth.
One of the ways we as a troop help the building process is having the scout work as both an individual and patrol member to setup and take down tents, dining flies, and other essentials during a campout.
Scouting Fundamentals
What does this term mean?
This is where you can find what all the definitions of all the abbreviations and what each leadership role does

Patrol Leader's Council
The patrol leaders' council (PLC) plans the yearly troop program at the annual planning conference. It then meets monthly to fine-tune the plans for the upcoming month.

Senior Patrol Leader
The senior patrol leader is responsible for the troop's overall operation. With guidance from the Scoutmaster, he takes charge of troop meetings, of the patrol leaders' council, and of all troop activities, and he does everything he can to help each patrol be successful.

Order of the Arrow
For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well.

Patrol Leader
A patrol leader is an older scout who's in charge of leading a group of 6 or more scouts (called a patrol). These leaders must know each patrol member personally, and represent their patrol's interests within the troop.

Assistant Patrol Leader
The Assistant Patrol Leader is a youth member of a Scouts BSA Troop who is appointed by the Patrol Leader and leads the patrol in his absence. The position of Assistant Patrol Leader does not qualify for the leadership requirements for advancement.

Quartermasters serve as the troop's supply boss. They keep an inventory of troop equipment and see that the gear is in good condition. They work with patrol quartermasters as they check out equipment and return it.

Most Scouts BSA Troops keep a library of merit badge pamphlets and other resources. The Librarian is a youth member of the troop who takes care of this troop literature. The description and requirements below are an example. Adjust them as necessary to meet the needs of your troop

The scribe is the troop's secretary. Though not a voting member, they attend meetings of the patrol leader's council and keep a record of the discussions. They cooperate with the patrol scribes to record attendance and dues payments at troop meetings and to maintain troop advancement records.

Merit Badge
Merit badges are awards earned by Scouts, based on activities within the specific areas of study, awarded by completing a list of periodically updated requirements.